Devens Regional Enterprise Zone
In February 2020, MassDevelopment hired LDS to provide market research services in connection with its planning efforts to develop additional mixed income age-restricted rental housing at the Shirley Village Growth Parcel off Hospital Road in Shirley, Massachusetts, and 250 market rate rental housing units at 33 Buena Vista Street, Harvard, MA. Each property is located within the Devens Regional Enterprise Zone (“DREZ”). LDS provided a supply and demand analysis for age-restricted market-rate and affordable rental housing and Market-rate Multifamily included pricing and development recommendations. As part of our work, we conducted stakeholder interviews with some of the largest employers at DREZ.
LDS’s previous work in DREZ in 2015 resulted in the rezoning of the Shirley Growth District for senior housing and supportive uses based on the LDS study. This work included creating and administering a survey to develop a better understanding of the housing needs of seniors age 55 and older in the three towns and Devens. LDS did a mailing to 500 seniors as well as made the survey available on line through survey monkey. LDS had a response rate of over 26% which made the survey statistically significant. MassDevelopment used the survey results to inform developers as part of an RFP process and a portion of the site has since been developed 58 units of income restricted and age restricted rental housing.
City of Pittsfield and MassDevelopment
Under the Transformative Development Initiative, LDS provided a scattered site, infill housing feasibility study for the Tyler Street corridor in Pittsfield. The goal of the study was to create a development model for approximately 50 new housing units (rental and ownership). Working alongside Utile Associates, our work included extensive Stakeholder Interviews, a Zoning Analysis, a land use analysis and a Financial Analysis relative to the construction and development costs for various building scenarios.
Oriel Landing, Lincoln, MA
In 2018 LDS provided a peer review of the Pro Forma including calculated the IRR and a Fiscal Impact Analysis, for the Oriole Landing development in Lincoln, MA including presenting and attending a Board of Selectman Meeting and Planning Board Meeting in connection with a town meeting warrant article.
The work was in connection with a 60-unit mixed income rental development located at 1 Mary’s Way in Lincoln, Massachusetts and includes 30 one-bedroom units and 30 two-bedroom units. The Project will set aside 25% of the total number of units or 15 units for affordable housing purposes for households earning at or below 80% of Area Median Income. The property consists of +/-6 acres. Lynne responded to questions related to the accuracy of the Fiscal Impact Analysis and the need for $1 million committed by the Affordable Housing Trust. The zoning amendment passed at Town Meeting in March 2018 and the development is under construction.
Town of West Bridgewater
LDS was a 40B Technical Consultant under an MHP Grant to the Town of West Bridgewater Zoning Board of Appeals, West Bridgewater, MA. Proposed project 139 homes and reduce to 89 single family homes located off of Maple Street. Decision issued September 2016.
City of Somerville Housing Needs Assessment
The City of Somerville hired LDS Consulting Group, LLC (LDS) in August 2015 to prepare a Housing Needs Assessment in compliance with requirements of the City of Somerville’s Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance (IZO). The purpose of the Housing Needs Assessment (HNA) required under Somerville’s IZO was to identify the supply and demand for affordable housing in Somerville and to see if the current ordinance can be improved.
Town of Framingham, MA
LDS was part of an interdisciplinary study team including MAPC, RKG Associates and the Cecil Group looking at the potential feasibility of TOD in Framingham, MA. LDS’s work included examining population statistics, housing statistics, supply and demand for rental and homeownership units and conducting an inventory of downtown businesses. LDS also participated in several stakeholder meetings. The goal of the work was to make recommendations to the town for potential rezoning, public and traffic improvements to further improve the economy of downtown Framingham.
Conway, MA Senior Housing Study and Financial Feasibility
The purpose of the study was to examine the affordable housing supply and demand for senior housing in Conway, Massachusetts. The study looked at senior housing demographics and the current housing options available to seniors in Conway. In addition to the senior housing market study, LDS conducted a senior housing consumer survey to Conway households with occupants over age 55 with a 43% response rate. LDS then provided pro-forma development numbers for a senior housing ownership and rental alternatives for a property owned by the Town of Conway.
Hingham Affordable Housing Trust
LDS was the 40B and development consultant to the HAHT. Our work included assisting on the vision for the site and preparing the financial pro-formas and the LIP application for an 8 unit homeownership project, with 2 affordable units of small single family homes as well as taking the lead on the RFP process to find a third party developer. A lot of LDS’s time was been spent on helping the Trust understand the economics of the transaction, and to create a project that will be achievable. We also took the lead on the community process and attended a meeting with the Board of Selectman as well as public meeting for abutters. In addition, we worked hard to keep Trust members focused on their goals. We pride ourselves in the skill of recognizing Trust member’s contributions, while gently steering them back to the task at hand.
The HAHT received its site plan approval letter from DHCD in less than 60 days and DHCD staff stated that they will use the development as a model for other developers. LDS also prepared the filing with the ZBA for the comprehensive permit that was submitted in early June 2011 and the ZBA vote favorably for the development in the fall of 2011. Then the Trust asked LDS to assist with writing an RFP for a third party developer to build the development and run the RFP process, which RFP was issued in April 2012. The RFP received of three-dozen inquiries, six proposals from qualified bidders, narrowed the field to 3 development teams for interviews that were held on May 30, 2012. LDS prepared the questions for the trust for the interviews, and has been asked to follow up on references for the lead bidder. The project is complete.