Directions to 170 Worcester Street, Suite 206, Wellesley, Massachusetts
From the North, take I95 South to Exit 21B .Take ramp right for MA 9 West toward Framingham/Worcester. Bear right on to the second Cedar Street exit. Go over Route 9 and take left at light. Go down the exit ramp to Route 9. The LDS parking lot will be on your right of the exit ramp in the plaza with The WOK.
From the South, take I 95North to Exit 20b. Take ramp right for MA 9 West toward Framingham/Worcester. Bear right on to the second Cedar Street exit. Go over Route 9 and take left at light. Go down the exit ramp to Route 9. The LDS parking lot will be on your right of the exit ramp in the plaza with The WOK.
From the East/West, take Massachusetts Turnpike to Weston Tolls. Take ramp right for MA 9 West toward Framingham/Worcester. Bear right on to the second Cedar Street exit. Go over Route 9 and take left at light. Go down the exit ramp to Route 9. The LDS parking lot will be on your right of the exit ramp in the plaza with The WOK.